3 posts

Dangerously High Levels of Lead Discovered in Portland Public Schools’ Drinking Water

Students in Portland, Oregon Public Schools, the largest school district in Oregon, have not taken a drink from a water fountain in two weeks.  After two Portland schools tested high for lead in drinking fountains and sinks, lead issues were exposed at schools and other departments across the metro region. […]

Attorney Buck Daniel, of Nations Law Firm, with the LEAD group and the governor of Georgia.


By Andrea Schmauss Participants in the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, Leadership Education & Advanced Direction (LEAD) Program spent a day with Georgia legislators at the Capitol building in Atlanta on February 18th. The group helped GTLA’s lobbyists make connections with legislators and identify potential problems in currently proposed legislation. Not […]

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Georgia Trial Lawyers Association Selects Inaugural LEAD Program Class

Posted by Cindy Nations October 23, 2013 – I am so proud to announce that our own Buck Daniel has been chosen to participate in a highly coveted leadership program offered by the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association.  This is a real honor and one which he most definitely deserves.  Congratulations, […]