Perdue Pharma

4 posts

Purdue Opioid Bankruptcy Update: Will the Court’s Decision Extinguish Injury and Death Claims Against the Sackler Family?

For years, the Purdue bankruptcy has been working its way through the federal court system. Earlier this year, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed the Bankruptcy Court’s order which would pave the way for qualified individuals to file claims and eventually receive money from the […]

Supreme Court Blocks $6 Billion Opioid Settlement to Hear Bankruptcy Argument

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments this December concerning Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy claims. Until then, the high court has blocked a $6 Billion settlement fund for cases related to opioid abuse. Purdue is “confident in the legality of [our] nearly universally supported Plan of Reorganization, and optimistic the […]

Perdue Pharma Family Questioned by Congress

By Lacey Crawford – For nearly four hours Congress questioned two members of the billionaire Sackler family, David Sackler, 40, and his cousin, Dr. Kathe Sackler, 72, both having served on Purdue Pharma’s board for years. Purdue Pharma is the maker of OxyContin, the aggressively promoted painkiller that began America’s […]