Defective Takata Airbag Recall Lawsuit

Takata Corporation sold bad airbags to at least 11 different car manufacturers

  • Takata airbags have ruptured and sprayed metal into drivers and passengers
  • Takata airbags can inflate too forcefully even in minor wreck
  • Many have been injured, blinded or killed because of Takata airbags
  • More than 14 million vehicles have been recalled for the defect

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According to a Defect Information Report filed with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), the inflating system in Takata airbags can burst or explode when the airbag inflates. The metal canister may be broken into metal shrapnel by the force of inflation; those metal shards may then pierce the fabric of the airbag and cause serious injuries to anyone within the cabin of the car. Recently, even more vehicles have been added to a recall list by Takata bringing the total of affected vehicles to nearly 14 million. These recalls included vehicles made by Honda, Nissan, Mazda, BMW and General Motors. To see whether your car is part of the recall, visit

The serious concerns is in high-humidity environments, because moisture can seep inside the airbag inflator and destabilize the chemical explosive. Recent recalls in the United States have focused on cars sold or registered in states and territories with high humidity and temperatures, which may have been a contributing factor. Those include Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. However, deaths linked to exploding airbags have occurred in non-humid states like Virginia, Oklahoma, and California. Because the recalled vehicles are older models, it is likely that thousands have been driven away from states were recalls were issued as well.

To date, several class action lawsuits have been filed against Takata seeking reimbursement for everyone who lost value on a car due to a defective airbag, but do not attempt to seek justice or compensation for people with severe injuries. Instead of a class action, we are filing individual lawsuits on behalf of people with serious injuries and/or wrongful deaths. At the Nations Law Firm we have years of experience in product liability litigation. It’s what we do. We have the resources, knowledge, and commitment required to stand up to companies and fight for your rights. If you or someone you know may has been injured or killed by a Takata airbag, please contact our offices for a free case evaluation by one of our experienced attorneys.

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