Warning: Potential for Overdosing with Baby Pain/Fever Medicine

By Cindy L. Nations

December 22, 2011 – Three days before Christmas, the FDA issued a warning about  a new concentration of liquid acetaminaphen for infants.  The pain and fever medication has long been available in 80 mg/0.8 mL and 80 mg/mL strength.  The drug is now also available in 160 mg/5mL strength.  If  the new concentration is not noted, parents or caregivers could accidentally give too much medication to the infant, resulting in tragic consequences.  Liquid acetaminophen is in several popular medicines, including Tylenol, Little Fevers,  Triaminic Infant Pain Reliever, Pedia Care, and other store brands (e.g., Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens brand, etc.).